Our Practice in Rogers & St. Michael

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Here, You’re More Than a Patient: You’re Family

At EyeWest Vision Clinic, everyone is welcome. As soon as you step through our door, you’re home. Sit down, relax, and borrow a book from our lending library (or leave your own must-read!). 

Our patients and community have helped us grow over the years, and we’re always looking for ways to give back. Whether that means partnering with local sports teams and theatre programs or helping kids manage blurry vision and adults preserve their eye health, we’re proud to have contributed to the lives of those around us.

There’s nothing more rewarding than leaving a positive mark on our community, and we take that responsibility seriously. Our team is committed to helping you and your family see the world a little brighter.

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Our Mission

Our mission is guided by 3 core principles:

  • We treat everyone with respect.
  • We strive for a standard of excellence.
  • We serve the patient above all else.

Meet Our Eye Doctors


Dr. Leah Colby


Dr. Brooke Bush


Dr. Erin Dunphy


Dr. Whitney Stock


Dr. Justin Bohnsack

Insurance & Payment

At EyeWest Vision Clinic, we are in network with most major medical insurance companies and VSP (vision service plan). We accept credit cards, cash, checks, or CareCredit.

We’ll explain the exam and treatment costs right at the start of your appointment. If you’d like a detailed breakdown of costs, just ask us!

Our team at EyeWest Vision Clinic is knowledgeable about vision insurance providers. We’ll work directly with you and your insurer to submit your vision care claims.

Most vision plans contribute to basic costs. Typically, plans require a co-payment for office visits and other costs paid by the patient, which are due at the time of service.

You can contact our office to find out if your insurance provider is accepted at our office. We gladly accept most medical insurances, including:

Many employers now offer Flexible Spending Account (FSA) options, sometimes known as cafeteria plans. FSAs are elective, supplemental insurance savings plans that let you save money (pre-tax) in an account to cover extra medical expenses like eye exams, glasses, contacts, and even laser vision surgery.

Check with the benefits administrator at your work to see if you are eligible for this program.

We get that cost matters when it comes to choosing vision care providers. We don’t want costs to stand in the way of keeping your eyes healthy and your vision clear. We’re happy to accept different payment methods and can discuss financing options before your exam.

Where to Find Us

Rogers Clinic

We’re located on the west side of Highway 101 next to Rogers Pet Clinic.

  • 13900 Northdale Blvd
  • Rogers, MN 55374
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St. Michael Clinic

We’re located on the first floor of the Cornerstone Building.

  • 1 Central Ave W #104
  • St. Michael, MN 55376
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